Sunday 29 May 2011

Lazy, idle or an un-healthy mix of the two?

I've come to a conclusion that there is a massive difference between laziness and idleness. Those who are idle tend just not to do much; they see the beauty in doing nothing but working hard on something when they  finally do. Laziness on the other hand is a symptom of people who just can't be arsed to do anything. They fail to see the simple beauty in doing nothing yet continue doing nothing and then complain about being bored. For me it's a lack of artistic intelligence and appreciation in the simple. I'm aware it's maybe not the best description but fuck it; right now it'll do for me.

What I would like to do is therefore reassure people that I am anything but lazy and that my lack of any tangible writing is simply a result of my fervent belief in the idle. Is one piece of writing in two months acceptable i ask, well no would be a obvious answer. In my defense I have been busy; I've been following the universe, or at least learning how to follow the universe to maximum effect and it's been fun. I've been having adventures and I've been sitting around doing nothing; both of which have bought me joyous levels of satisfaction, but both of which have got in the way of me doing any writing. I need to find balance in my life and I'm slowly starting to see and understand how.

I leave Nepal in just a little over a week and then I head down to India. This I am looking forwards to immensely and although I love this country it'll be good to have finally got past this place; seven months is a long time. I plan on writing a little piece on my last two months, telling you all what I've been up to whether it interests you or not, before I leave but first I just wanted to write something.....anything.....

I hope those who did read my other posts and enjoyed them haven't forgotten about me. Ceri I see you are my first minion, I must thank you for this, and as some wise people once said; 'well come'.

It's good to be back....

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