Monday 28 March 2011

My Blog

Dear Reader,
Welcome to my blog. I’ve done it, I’ve finally taken the plunge. It’s been one of those thing which has been years in the making, and unlike most things I decide will be a good idea, I’ve actually gone and bloody done it. I would like you to know though, and it’s probably why I’m writing this nonsense now, that it was hard work. Rumour would have it; the Scots are quite a stoic race of people, this is where I shame my ancestors. I feel I’ve suffered and I want you to know. I’ve come to a conclusion blog-less people can’t appreciate the hardships of setting up and adding to one of these things.
Aesthetically it’s got to look good. That’s what people are going to look at first, it must look perfect; perfectly inviting. Do I go with some calming clouds as I’m such a tranquil person. I’ve been known to enjoy a stretch here and there so how about a woman doing yoga. I for a period of my life had sport thrust upon me so a sporty background could be relevant. Flames; the yin to my cloudy yang. A galaxy of stars; I can with consummate ease identify Orion’s Belt after all. So many options but which one to choose. I’ve often wondered why the backgrounds provided for these things are always so, well, shit. Do they think people are really that dull and painfully normal that they may like the default inoffensive crap. Well I can assure you it offends me, in fact, it burns my eyes. I could of course have kept it simple and just gone for a plain background, simple black, and to be honest in time I probably will but I feel I’ve got to grow into something sensible like that, I’m just not ready. I went with some flowers / weeds which I can’t remember the name of but were great fun playing with when I was a child. I found it linked in well with my floaty blog name. It turns out my approach to thinking up a name was suitable itself as a name and no different to how I like to think I live my life, even if all of this is just proving the opposite. Maybe I should have gone with the clouds, they could have done me some good. Maybe I’m worrying too much, or is that simply thinking too much?!
I think one of the things holding me back in having my own blog is that I’m not really sure what I’m supposed to write about. I like to keep a journal and that’s where most of my ideas go so I could steal a few of those and doctor them so they fit in with the public face of my blogger personality. I love music but lack the type of knowledge required to write about it and have proven after years of guitar lessons that I’m not exactly a natural musician. I know a surprising amount about sport even though I’ve avoided playing properly for years and repeatedly found myself shown up by the Nepali who excelled at kicking around what can only be described as a leather stone. I would obviously like it to be known that had I not been wearing jeans a size too big and trekking boots, which actually fitted quite well I must say; I’d have certainly shown them how the people from the 50th best football nation on earth play. It does dawn on me though as I write this that as I ran about the field like an elephant who could do little but boot them in the air that maybe I have in fact already shown them how we play football. I’ll lose little sleep over it I assure you. So what am I interested in. I do like my politics, and would love to give my opinion on the riots in London, both justifying them and damning them but ultimately sitting on the fence. Like football though I believe there’s enough little pricks out there strenuously masturbating over their own self worth and ground breaking opinion that I have no urge to succumb and become another one of them. I’ll just stick to doing it from time to time, it’ll be an easier way to keep myself intact. So what’s left to me? I’m going back to Nepal next week. I had some ridiculous adventures the last time I was there and this one’s going to include India too so who’s to say I can’t come up with at least a little anecdote or two, but my thing is that people don’t really care as they’re too involved in their own dramas to really pay attention to others. I only want people to read it though and maybe comment favourably on it, I doubt people are going to suddenly forget what they were doing and lose themselves in my adventures. I wouldn’t blame them though, my life is pretty cool. I could appeal to those who are avoiding doing any work, those who scour Facebook all day long and will read any crap to avoid work. Would that not be selling out to the dumb illiterate masses though? Fuck it it’s all about the numbers right now. Excellent, so that’s that decided, my market is those who’ve nothing better to do or those doing anything but what they should be doing....pretty much everyone I know then, this should be easy.
 Well that’s it, my first blog. A whole lot of nothing complaining about a few exaggerated problems I found on the way. They’re not all going to be like this I promise, I just had to get this first one out the way. It’s been days in the making, I’ve been avoiding doing what I really need to do and instead spent my time fannying around with fonts and margin sizes, that plus too much time scouring Facebook of course. I’m starting to think I should have just said ‘Welcome to my blog, take a look around’, you’d have learnt more or less the same but minus the ramble. It’s a learning curve you see, I’ll get there. You watch; one day we’ll all look back on this and laugh.
HA HA HAA. Too soon? Thought as much, I’m getting ahead of myself again aren’t I?!
The warmest, softest and most intimately kind regards,

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